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Angel's Rest

This hiking rite of passage leads to an otherworldly (and very windy!) view 1550 feet over the gorge.

It's hard to believe such a breathtaking hike is only 30 minutes from downtown Portland.

Starts out gorgeous, ends gorgeous. You gain some quick elevation and are immediately rewarded with views across the Columbia to Washington (does anyone else feel like it's always sunnier in WA?)

When you reenter into the forest you'll have the chance to take a tiny detour to check out Coopey Falls - do it! You'll soon actually cross over the water via creek, and from that angle you'd never know it's seconds away from plunging 150 down.

Next is a period of forested switchbacks until you emerge RIGHT alongside the gorge - and much higher than before!

The narrow path is really on the edge of the mountain, with the land sloping up 45 degrees beside you... and down 45 degrees beside you. I don't think I'd recommend doing this hike in the rain or with small children, but it's a great adrenaline rush.

Higher and higher you go, until suddenly you stand before a GIANT landslide. Work your way through massive rocks and boulders amid an expansive view over the gorge and into the forest, which is somehow dwarfed by the river below.

From this angle you see the coastal range mountains in the distance and can easily imagine the mighty Columbia twisting all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Plus, there's plenty of space to post up and eat a sandwich!

Post sandwich, you'll briefly re-enter the trees until you officially emerge at Angel's Rest, a narrow, rocky clearing with basically 360 degree views around you!

You can scramble up the boulders to your left to get to the very tip of the summit (there's a bench there!)

However, there's nothing at all to block the wind so it's a little scary - I was literally holding onto sparse, windstripped branches to make sure I didn't topple off the 1550 foot cliff!

If you have enough sunlight left, you can head South along the rocky crag to Devil's Rest, about twice as far away and 800 feet higher.

Distance from Portland: 30 minutes

Length of hike: 4.6 miles roundtrip (out and back)

Difficulty: Medium-Strenuous

Hiking time: 3 hours


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