Short, steep, and utterly terrifying! This hike is definitely for the daredevils looking for a quick adrenaline hit.

Since you'll gain about 1000ft in elevation over this one mile hike, the beginning starts out steep. After a nice butt workout through the forest and past a gentle creek you come to your first true challenge.
A MAJOR ROCKSLIDE! We're talking a football field angled at 45 degrees with fist-sized loose rocks and a barely discernible path. It's freaky! But you'll also get your first amazing views of the gorge and to Washington, as well as a glimpse at just how much height you've gained already.

Once you pass that rockslide and reenter the forest you come to... rockslide number two! Only this time instead of going across you'll go straight up. The first time we hiked here this is where we turned back - we weren't quite sure if this was the real path and we were traveling with folks who understandably didn't want to twist an ankle!
Months later we came back and there was a switchbacking path through the rocks as well as a dirt path you could scramble straight up. Both lead to another brief sojourn through the forest, then you will suddenly arrive in an expansive opening - welcome to Mitchell Saddle Junction!

Wow - What a treat it is to have such a wide panorama after all that climbing. This area is actually a power line junction with a gravel road winding down the mountain. Follow it a bit to see down both directions of the river and all the surrounding hilltops. It's very Sound of Music-esque, but with power lines.
But you ain't done yet. See that gorgeous, sun-sparkled peak reaching into the sky? That, my friend, is your destination. You can see the whole path you're going to climb, winding up the craggy peak high into the clouds.

It looks exciting and not too difficult. But walking up is a different story. That view you just had didn't capture the sheer drops along either side of you. A loose rock here or a misstep there could easily result in you plunging right off the side of the mountain.
It is scary!

If you're a risk taker and comfortable with heights, it's definitely worth it to keep going. The summit is unbelievably beautiful and we even saw two hawks soaring at our head level!

That said, the striking beauty was tempered with fear of death by plummeting - I was gripping onto the rocks for dear life. We soon decided to head back to safety of solid, even ground, and of course...

...It's even worse coming back down! I've never considered myself afraid of heights, but I was definitely feeling some twinges of vertigo in addition to straight-up fear!
Well, we survived and are glad we did it. It's good to test your limits, right?
We didn't know it at the time, but you can also take a side trip to Mitchell Spur, which will add just over half a mile to your total hike. Check it out and tell us all about it in the comments!

Distance from Portland: 1 hour / 56 miles
Length of hike: 2 miles roundtrip (out and back)
Difficulty: Pretty difficult! 1000 ft elevation gain in one mile!