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Wahclella Falls

A Lord of the Rings reminiscent hike along Tanner Creek leads to the magnificent Wahclella Falls, a 350 foot two-tiered waterfall, pouring mightily into a massive pool.

This hike’s first stunner is when you pass within arm’s reach of Munra Falls, a slide waterfall blasting several feet from the wooden bridge of the trail.

Depending on the time of year you can reach out and catch the falling droplets!

From there you’ll trek up and along the valley beside Tanner Creek, a nicely challenging terrain without being too long or exhausting. The trail gets thin and muddy at parts so keep an eye (and a firm hold) on small children!

There are lots of mini falls along the way and a few breaks in the forest where if you look back the way you came you’ll see all the way across the gorge to the Washington bank of the river.

Eventually you’ll reach a long footbridge over the creek, picturesque and flanked by giant boulders, the remnants of an old landslide. The space opens up here and feels very much like you’re in a fairy tale, with mist rising off the cliff-like basalt surrounding you and plenty of creek trails to explore and picnic upon.

But a quick walk to the end of the trail reveals first the roar and then the visage of the magnificent Wahclella Falls, a 350 foot two-tiered waterfall, pouring mightily into a massive pool.

There’s not a ton of room to meditate on its majesty – best to take a good, full look and make room for others on their way. There’s more in the area to see!

The Bonneville Fish Hatchery is right across the highway from the trailhead, and it is a must see.

In addition to the hatchery operations, there’s a trout pond, sturgeon pond, and semi-underground sturgeon viewing area, where you’ll see the gigantic fish at eye level - including Herman, who is more than 50 years old and 10 feet long! Amazing!

Distance from Portland: 40 minutes / 38 miles

Length: 2.5 miles roundtrip (out and back)

Difficulty: Medium (Elevation gain: 300 feet)

Note: Parking is very limited. Perhaps park at the Bonneville Fish Hatchery?


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